Jimmy Givens "Interpreter of Rhythm"
        Jimmy Givens"Interpreter of Rhythm"

"A Night At The Cabaret"

Photo taken

February 1977!


"A Night At

The Cabaret"


... is a trip back in time to the glory days of the hotel industry in Lakewood, NJ!

Through audio and visual images, 

"The Last of the Lakewood Hotel Musicians", Jimmy Givens, will recreate an evening of what life was like in the hotels, in the 1960's through the 1970's, and you will meet {through audio and visual aids} some of the musicians and entertainers who made Lakewood

{and the Catskills} such an appealing vacation resort!

"A Night At The Caberet"

is coming to a venue near you! שלום 


If you ever spent time in any of the hotels, this tour will bring back a lot of memories for you! If you never knew Lakewood back in the day, you will be enlightened!


If your organization would like to spend

"A Night At The Cabaret",

Contact Jimmy Givens via his website! 







"A Night At The Cabaret"

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;-) שלום


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